Thank you For Enrolling in our Remote Drug Delivery Educational Program!

Before you begin your learning experience, we would like to provide you with directions on how to get started along with tips to better assist you in navigating our RDD Learning Platform.

Step 1: Receive and Review your Confirmation Email

By now, you should have automatically received an email with the title “Welcome to Bridge”. This would appear in your “Inbox” for the email account you used moments ago to register.  If by chance it is not in your “InBox”, please check your “spam” folder.

Click on the “Setup My Account” button to begin

Step 2: Login and assign yourself a password

In the “Welcome to Bridge” email, you will find a “Setup My Account” button that will take you to the site to finalize your account setup. On the site you will be asked to assign yourself a “password”.

Click “Get Started” to begin using our RDD Learning Platform.

Step 3: You are Logged in and Ready to Begin

Once you assign yourself a password and hit “submit” you will be brought to your “My Learner” page. Here you will see that you are automatically enrolled in the Pneu-Dart Remote Drug Delivery Program.

The “My Learner” page is equivalent to your account “home page”. Each time you finish a section of the educational program, you will be brought back to this screen.  In addition, under the name of the program “Pneu-Dart Remote Drug Delivery Program” you will see “Milestone: 1-1 Welcome”  This the first course you are enrolled in. And as you proceed through the program, you will see the milestone will change each time you complete a course.

So to begin, you could either click on “Pneu-Dart Remote Drug Delivery Program” or the blue “1-1: Welcome”

Step 4: Starting a Course: Title Screen

Each Course is designed to provide you with a “Title Screen” that has a blue background and provides you with the title for the course you are about to view. In addition, there is typically a short description and/ or comment that relates to the upcoming course.

Select the “Enter Course” to begin.


Step 5: Starting a Course: Introduction Screen

Following the “Title Screen” each course will bring you to an “Introduction” Screen. Here you will be provided with any specific opening thoughts or comments.

Select the “Continue” to move to the video


Step 6: Starting a Course: Video Screen

All of our courses have the same basic format. You begin with the “Title Screen”, go to the “Introduction”, and the are brought to a video page. Once on the video page, please click on the “Play” button on the Video to begin watching the video.

Note: Do not click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page before watching the video. If you happen to do this on the “Ready to take the Quiz” page, please click on your “back arrow”

Select the “Continue” to move to the video


Step 7: Starting a Course: Ready for Quiz

The “Ready for the Quiz” page prompts you that the next set of screens are the quiz questions. If need be, you can hit your back arrow and review the video again. Or if you feel you are ready, press continue to begin taking the quiz

Note: Course 1-1 and 1-2 do not have a quiz associated with the content. These courses are designed to introduce you to the Pneu-Dart Remote Drug Delivery Education Program.  Course 2-1A and onward all have quizzes. 


Step 8: Starting a Course: Quiz

The quiz questions are all designed to emphasize key points from the course topic you just reviewed. In many cases the questions are either in a True or False format and/or Multiple Choice.

Once finished with the questions, you will be automatically shown a score. If you achieve 80% or higher you pass and will be then moved on to the next course. If you happen to get lower then 80% you will need to re-take the quiz. 


Step 9: Back at My Learner

Upon completion of a course, you will always be brought back to the My Learner Page. Here you can keep track of the progress you have made, along with seeing what course is up next in the program.  Each time you complete and pass a course, it will appear at the bottom of the My Learner Page under the “Completed” section.  At any given point and time, you are able to go back through a course that you have previously taken.

Step 10: Attachments

Many of our courses also have attachments that are available to download. Once you have completed the course, you can click on the Paperclip icon, beside the course name. This will open a sidebar that shows you the available attachments for that specific course. Some courses only have 1 attachment, whereas other may have several attachments for download.

For instance: In our Projector Courses, once finished you can download the projector manual, trajectory chart, other related materials.